Dividend versus salary?

As an owner/director/shareholder of a limited company, there are various profit extraction or remuneration options available to you. The full range of remuneration options, however, depends upon the structure of your business and your role within the company.   

Dividend versus salary - advice from Consilium Chartered Accountants on extracting profit from your business. The image depicts an extract from a printed English dictionary for the definition of the word dividend.

Dividend versus salary: your options

Typically, the decision for company owners/directors/shareholders is whether to use dividend payments or salary to extract profit as remuneration. Both options offer advantages and disadvantages.

Consilium Chartered Accountants can advise on the most tax-efficient way to extract profit from your business. 

To arrange a confidential discussion with Consilium’s tax experts, contact our lead Partner Craig Coyle. Consilium Chartered Accountants offer a wealth of experience and insight on all aspects of remuneration planning, tax planning and share schemes.   

Efficient tax planning for you and your business

Consilium Chartered Accountants offer considerable experience in maximising profit extraction for owner-managed businesses. We are experts in tax planning, remuneration planning and structuring/re-structuring company share schemes. Working with SMEs in sectors as diverse as construction, hospitality and engineering Consilium are trusted advisers to company owners/directors/shareholders across Scotland. 

Dividend versus salary - advice from Consilium Chartered Accountants on extracting profit from your business. The image depicts scrabble tiles on a gold background. The tiles spell out the word profit.

To arrange a confidential discussion with Consilium’s tax experts, contact our lead Partner Craig Coyle. Alternatively, take a look at our Tax services for SMEs.  

Connect with Consilium Chartered Accountants on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and X/Twitter.

Craig Coyle
Tax Advisory
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0141 204 6650