Grants for business
When considering business expansion, it is important to talk to an experienced firm of Chartered Accountants before you commit to any expenditure. Companies based in Scotland, or entering the Scottish market for the first time, can obtain grants for business from Scottish Enterprise.
Depending upon the nature of your planned expansion, a firm of Chartered Accountants can help you apply for and, most importantly, secure business grants for various investment projects.
Business grants: which investments are covered?
Subject to eligibility, your business may be eligible for a Scottish Enterprise business grant award. The grant is a contribution towards the costs of expanding your business. In general, grants are awarded for:
- Investments in business property
- Investments in machinery or plant
- Investments that create employment or safeguard existing jobs.
The main Grant funding programmes include Regional Selective Assistance (RSA), Research and Development grants (R&D) and SMART Scotland Innovation grants.
Review the Scottish Business grants that Consilium access for our clients or learn more about our Grants Advisory service.
Grants for business: finding the right advisory partner
Businesses can apply for grants from Scottish Enterprise without the support of an advisory partner like Consilium. This option, however, means all preparatory work which includes writing the grant submission and meeting the strict qualification requirements falls upon the business.
Appointing a firm of accountants takes away the considerable burden of completing the grant application process. Furthermore, working with a specialist grants advisory team can significantly improve the chances of a successful award from Scottish Enterprise.
Grants for business: what to look for in a grants advisory partner
Specifically, they should be able to offer:
- A clear understanding of the requirements of Scottish Enterprise and the ability to tailor your proposal appropriately
- A proven track record in securing grants for businesses, ideally within your industry or sector
- A deep understanding of the Scottish Enterprise methodology and process for awarding grants
- Transparent and cost-effective fees.
Consilium Chartered Accountants: a track record of success
The team at Consilium Chartered Accountants has over 30 years of combined experience securing Scottish Enterprise grants for over 200 companies. We are proud of our 100% track record in securing grants and the positive impact it has made to businesses across the country.
Consilium has developed an efficient process for executing grant applications, ensuring the minimum disruption to management. We also have well-established relationships with key members of the Scottish Enterprise grants team and a simple fee structure.
For an informal discussion about your investment plans and grants for business, please get in touch with our lead Corporate Finance Partners Linzi Wilson or John Blair.
You can also learn more about Consilium’s grants advisory team and our Business planning, Audit, Tax and Payroll services. Alternatively, review the full range of Scottish Business grants that we access for our clients each year.
Connect with Consilium Chartered Accountants on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.